One very important step in preparing for a newborn is setting up a proper diaper changing station. This will look different for everybody depending on the size of their home, and their needs. Our house has 2 levels. Running upstairs every time we needed to change a diaper wasn’t working. We ended up buying a beautiful diaper changing station from Delta that fit in with our living room décor.

This changing table is well constructed and really pretty. It has a very simple design and is easy to customize to fit the vibe of the room you put it in. Don’t forget to buy a contoured changing pad. You want to make sure it is thick, and has contoured sides so that baby stays put. An alternative to a separate changing table would be a changing topper that goes on top of your child’s dresser.
We have one in our nursery. It does make it harder to have all the proper items available. We dedicated the top 3 drawers of the dresser to the “essentials”. Which leaves us less room for clothing, but it was necessary so c’est la vie.
So once you've figured out where to put your diaper changing station, you will need the following diaper changing essentials:
#1 Diapers (duh)

Of course, the most important item for your diaper changing station would be diapers. We like to keep a box of each size diapers available so that we only have to refill it about every 2 weeks.
#2 Baby wipes – we LOVE the honest brand wipes. They are extra-large and 99% water so they are so great for sensitive skin! I’ve used a few other brands but none of them were quite as big as these, so I keep coming back to them.
#3 Diapering ointment (we LOVE A&D)

Some people don’t use any ointment. However, we found that a nice swab of A&D every diaper change works best for our little ones. Knock on wood but we’ve never had an incidence of diaper rash yet, so we highly recommend using A&D every diaper change, and especially for longer stretches like overnight. I always like to keep diaper rash cream on hand also just in case. Aquaphor is a good substitute in a pinch also!
#4 Body Lotion
We like to put lotion on our kids in the morning, and before bed. This helps keep their skin healthy and safe from rashes, and other issues. My daughter had really bad eczema when she turned about 4months old, and until about 9 months old. The lotion really helped keep her skin from getting rashes and eczema breakouts, and so we continued this lotion ritual with our son also! Make sure you get one that is not scented so it doesn’t irritate your little ones skin.

You may be surprised at how often accidents occur that end up yuck-ing up your diaper pad sheet. It is always a good rule of thumb to have a few extras easily accessible so that you can swap them out when accidents occur. The nice thing about our changing pad is that it is a plastic coating so even if the “mess” leaks through it is super easy to clean and put a fresh sheet right over.
In order to organize the essentials, I purchased these lovely storage baskets.

I also used a few woven wood storage baskets I already had at home. If you don’t have any storage bins at home, try these. They fit really nicely with the diaper station and can hold a lot of items.
Okay that’s it! My 5 Diaper changing station essentials! What did I miss? Is there a product that totally changed your diaper-changing journey? Let me know in the comments!!
Keep an eye out for my future post on bonus items for your diaper changing station!
DISCLAIMER: These are my personal opinions and none of the products are sponsored.
Full Product Name/Link
Delta Children Infant Changing Table with Pad, Espresso Cherry
Delta Children Contoured Changing Pad with Plush Cover, Pink
TILLYOU Changing Pad Cover Set, Jersey Knit Ultra Soft Unisex Diaper Change Table Sheets for Baby Boys Girls, Fit 32"/34''x16" Contoured Pad, Comfy Cozy 2-Pack Cradle Sheets, Elephant & Cloud, Grey
TheWarmHome Foldable Storage Basket with Cotton Rope Handle Collapsible Storage Bins Set Baby (2 Large 15.7Lx11.8W)
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